Dóra Pál

REBORN kiállítása

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Kurátor: Bán Blanka

Dóra Pál, stage name BYDORAPAL, is a creative artist living in Budapest, graduated from the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts as an architect and designer. She also creates fashion illustrations and oil paintings: for Dóra, painting and art are not just work, but a means of expression, a way of life that helps to find balance and harmony in theeveryday.She likes classic, iconic details that visually complement the imageswhat to say. Her unique paintings are easily recognizable, giving them their own identitycreated thanks to details such as perspective and compositionsgame. Her art draws attention to people's appreciation of life, thealso the joys of everyday life.

Részletes bemutatkozó: https://bydorapal.com/

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